Enrollment Into the Conscious Psychic Program will open March 17-31, 2025


Where & how do I get started before March?

  • Read through this program page (read on below) to find out what is involved 

  • Scroll down to the grid with the Tiers and decide what entry point may be best for you and your schedule and budget

  • Schedule in a free call now with Angela to address any questions or concerns prior to your enrollment in March, 2025.

What will I learn? How will I grow? 

The benchmarks below will give you an indication of what you will be learning during your time here.

See the benchmarks for your development listed below.  I hope that you'll enroll to experience the fun and support while you grow here!


Are you --Ready to expand and grow your psychic skills and confidence in all areas of your life? 

These include many of the skills that you will work on and master with your enrollment here in the CPP.

CPP Level 1 Benchmarks:

Here is a list of skills to be developed as a CPP Level 1 student. Furthermore, these are prerequisites to move to CPP Level 2:

      • Ability to discern Yes vs No answers through your psychic skills
      • Evidential Mediumship skills development
      • Understanding of the basic differences between Dimensions 3, 4, 5 & 6
      • Delivering at least one if not multiple messages to each person during development circles, consistently.
      • Basic understanding of the seven, main chakras to include their role, their colors, their mantra, the physical body parts that they correlate to.
      • Developed capacity to reduce your ego’s presence during psychic work and group work; said another way - understanding of your ‘filter’ and moving it aside while reading another.
      • Working relationship with at least one spirit guide, if not many.  
      • Understanding the psychic pathways that you receive along and how they are developing & evolving, as well as how to weave them for your process
      • A working knowledge and regular practice of Energy Hygiene for self, your space and its use in all areas of your life
      • Working knowledge of progressing a message when applicable
      • Basic understanding of frequency and Dr. Hawkins’ Consciousness Scale/Ladder
      • Understanding of Metaphor and Myth as it enters into your psychic processes
      • Basic working knowledge of Remote Viewing
      • Basic working knowledge of Past Lives
      • Basic working knowledge of time/timing/timelines
      • Understanding of Ethics and Boundaries as associated with Psychic Practices

CPP Level 2 Benchmarks:

All of the Level 1 Benchmarks will have been demonstrated & achieved and will continue to be ongoing during the Level 2 enrollment, along with the following Level 2 Benchmarks:

      • Message progression to include multiple layers and possibly multiple dimensions to messages, along with percentage likelihood of messages transpiring
      • Developed capacity to explore alternate scenarios to the message subject matter
      • Basic understanding and capacity to access Akashic Records
      • Progressed working knowledge of past lives
      • Understanding of metaphysical healing concepts and subtle energy anatomy
      • Progressed working knowledge of remote viewing
      • Capacity to assess & read auras
      • Capacity to utilize and practice Automatic Writing
      • Capacity to explore past lives for others and self
      • Capacity to journey, shamanically for self
      • Capacity to Third Party Channel 5D (and above) guides to include Galactics
      • Capacity to First Party or Trance Channel 5D (and above) guides 
      • Working knowledge of how to guide and apply energy on different dimensions & to varying situations
      • Working towards the capacity to read a group of people, a platform reading where you are offering readings to the audience or in an audience format

a message from Angela

CPP logo

The Conscious Psychic Program is a hybrid group coaching program. Through some 1:1 mentoring sessions along with group development circles, group teachings and self-study -- You’ll be guided and supported through your psychic and spiritual development. You will work with Angela for 12 months to cultivate your intuition/psychic skills. Together we will remove obstacles to your expansion into your sixth sense and beyond.

you'll learn to manage & use your psychic skills, on-demand. You'll learn to be directive with your psychic/medium/energetic skills.

The group work in development circles adds a lot of magic and spice to your process. There are people from all over the country and from a few other countries at times, that participate and fuel the magic of this program, with their growth and experiences and processes.

All of the sessions and the development circles are conducted via Zoom (audio not video).
This approach calls you to use your developing skills in powerful ways.
You’ll stay in state with no visual distractions to your process.

A tenet that I hold near and dear to my heart and espouse throughout your work with me -- is that, Developing your psychic skills, your intuition -- is for your empowerment. It’s one of the most empowering tools that we all hold. As I support you -- I’m not as much reading for you as helping you to build your confidence in your Intuition and how that may apply to your life.

Angela pic

Angela has over a decade of working with clients psychically and energetically to draw from. Ever the nurturing teacher -- she has taught hundreds of classes and run a few hundred reading events. Some highlights of her career that qualify her to hold such a huge container for humans developing spiritually & psychically:

Has assisted over 10,000+ private clients over 12+ years
Radio show host x2 in 2013
A thousand+ group reading events conducted over 12+ years
Contracted by a global automaker to do readings in one of their vehicles at Firefly, the East Coast’s largest music festival in 2016.
Taught and spoke by invitation only, at two different events in India in ‘16 and ‘17
Guiding hundreds of people through this CPP over 10+ years
Published in American Psychic & Medium magazine, August 2013
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (1991) and a Master’s Certificate in Holistic Psychology (2015)
International Best Selling Author, Amazon, October 2021; Intuitive Speaking Her Truth, Multi-Author Book, the Art of Grace Publishing House

This program is tailored to meet you where you are as an individual.
I will support you personally and you’ll be supported with group experiences,
individual exercises and practices. Appropriate for many levels, it does
require an application and interview for enrollment.

Are you...

… someone who is having spiritual, intuitive and psychic experiences that are calling you to open?

… having Awakening and Ascension symptoms and desiring community and support and deep mentorship through this process?

… stringing together meaning and support from the unseen realms through messages, signs and synchronicities?

… having huge dreams, feeling energy, hearing or seeing spirit?

… desiring to develop your psychic and medium skills in a thorough and ethical fashion?

… looking to develop with a professional whose career is devoted to this?

… wanting to learn to channel and needing guidance and support?

… yearning for connection with starbeings and a teacher to guide you?

Have you been an Empath all of your life and you want and need guidance on how to
move through and strengthen that gift and others? Angela Bixby and Energy Intuit may be
the coaching and mentoring place for you.

it all starts with the intuitive insight session:


6 & 12 Month Options and New Tiers for the
Conscious Psychic Program


  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Angela
  • Weekly Development Circles
  • In-Between Session Support (via email for spiritual emergencies)
  • Didactic Learning
  • Quarterly Group Healing Circles
  • Weekly Office Hours
  • Discounted Readings*
  • Connection & Community Building Facebook Group
  • Required Deposit**
  • Monthly Rate
  • Total Cost
    (6 Months / 12 Months)

Tier 1

  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Angela1(valued at $188 per month)
  • Weekly Development Circles1(valued at $160 per month)
  • In-Between Session Support (via email for spiritual emergencies)(valued at $250/hour)
  • Didactic LearningSelf-Study(Valued at $300)
  • Quarterly Group Healing Circles
  • Weekly Office Hours
  • Discounted Readings*
  • Connection & Community Building Facebook Group
  • Required Deposit**$500
  • Monthly Rate$200
  • Total Cost
    (6 Months / 12 Months)
    $1700 / $2900

Tier 2

  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Angela1(valued at $188 per month)
  • Weekly Development Circles2(valued at $320 per month)
  • In-Between Session Support (via email for spiritual emergencies)(valued at $250/hour)
  • Didactic LearningSelf-Study(Vaued at $300)
  • Quarterly Group Healing Circles
  • Weekly Office Hours
  • Discounted Readings*
  • Connection & Community Building Facebook Group
  • Required Deposit**$500
  • Monthly Rate$300
  • Total Cost
    (6 Months / 12 Months)
    $2300 / $4100

Tier 3

  • Monthly 1:1 Sessions with Angela2(valued at $376 per month)
  • Weekly Development Circles3(valued at $480 per month)
  • In-Between Session Support (via email for spiritual emergencies)(valued at $250/hour)
  • Didactic LearningSelf-Study(Valued at $300)
  • Quarterly Group Healing Circles
  • Weekly Office Hours
  • Discounted Readings*
  • Connection & Community Building Facebook Group
  • Required Deposit**$500
  • Monthly Rate$495
  • Total Cost
    (6 Months / 12 Months)
    $3470 / $6440

* While current in the Conscious Psychic Program
** Non-refundable




More details:

Development Circle Times (offered seven times per week and more will be added as enrollment grows)

  • Monday -- 7:00-8:30 pm
  • Monday -- 8:45-10:30 pm (nearly full!)
  • Tuesday -- 10:00-11:30 am
  • Tuesday -- 7:00-8:30 pm (full & closed)
  • Tuesday -- 8:45-10:30 pm
  • Thursday -- 9:00-10:30 am (nearly full!)
  • Saturday -- 9:00-10:45 am (full & closed)

(all times listed in USA Eastern Time Zone/New York)

Angela's decade + experience, her deep ethics & professional integrity along with additional resources on spiritual awakening are an invaluable part of this learning, growth and expansion experience.

Enrollment in this program presupposes emotional maturity, personal accountability and an openness to learn, grow and participate in the community.

Curious about your fit in this program and this program’s fit for you?

Schedule a call at no-charge with Angela here.

Ready to enroll?


Apprenticeship Option

This program will equip you with the teaching & practicum to build your spiritual leadership and group facilitation skills in a psychic circle context.


Two years of CPP enrollment
Working knowledge of acumen around healing & therapy (boundaries, projection, co-dependence, trauma respect, etc.)

This option is for those wanting to learn elder psychic circle leader/facilitator practices.

You’ll learn:

Container leadership to include: observing, understanding and cueing CPP members on groundedness, energy hygiene, foundational basics and how to go deeper in their processes.
Container tending to include: leading the group meditation, opening/tending/closing circle, clearing heavy energies during a circle, space holding and leadership techniques. Holding space as a facilitator affords you more access to your own, spiritual growth. You'll quickly learn how to tune into each individual in the context of the container, and grow your skill set through this.
Monitoring of student readings and facilitation of reading triads.

This is a year-long commitment. Enrollment is by interview with Angela and only a few will be accepted & admitted each year.

You’ll log leadership hours in the above practices and participate in Monthly sessions and Apprenticeship calls with Angela and the Apprenticeship team. You are free to attend all circles and these will be where the majority of your practicum hours will be logged.

Desiring specific guidance on a modality, a way of leading, or experiences not listed here?  Email Angela to open the discussion.  She desires to be of support and service through this option, as best that she can.

Investment beyond your time and commitment to this process: $300 monthly for 12 months or $3600 in total.

Email Angela with your interest in this Apprenticeship option.


CPP LEVEL 3/A Trance Channeling Group:

This will be a group for those wanting to trance channel.  Understanding of trance channeling, how to engage with and discern messages for personal trance channeling.  Ethics & professional standards will be taught and employed through this group.  If you've trained psychically and/or with channeling elsewhere, bringing humility and an openness to learn and evolve are necessary.

This group is geared towards learning and evolving with trance channeling and all that is involved with the process.

Email Angela with your interest and to be placed on the wait list.

What Clients are Saying…


My Spirit led me to Angela in September of 2018 when I registered for her Intuitive You workshop. It didn’t take long for me to know that I wanted to be a part of the Conscious Psychic Program. I joined the program to enrich my personal life and increase my confidence when making big life and business decisions.

What I got was a community of people dedicated to seeing each other grow and a supportive coach/mentor who puts her heart and soul into her mission.

Since joining Angela’s Conscious Psychic Program, I have seen my intuitive abilities grow and expand more than I could have ever imagined. I’ve gained new trust in my instincts and a deeper understanding of the way I receive intuitive hits so that I can make better, more guided decisions in my personal and professional life.

I’ve also learned skills for protecting my energy, which has made a huge difference my quality of life as an Empath.

Angela doesn’t just care about helping her students grow intuitively, she’s a champion for their growth in personal and business pursuits, as well. Angela has been a strong support for me in my effort to build and grow my own life coaching business and has been with me to celebrate countless personal wins.

I’m excited to continue my work with Angela and see how far her continued teaching and support can take me in my intuitive development.

Jenna Enright, 2020

Owner, JennaEnright.com

I’ve worked with many teachers of intuition and yet was drawn to Angela’s intuitive development program. Within her Conscious Psychic Program I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly I connected even more deeply to my guides. An unplanned benefit of working in her program is that I got very clear on how I would next serve the world with my own, intuitive processes and services. It was so helpful that I chose to continue with spiritual business coaching to launch my new services to the world. If you are looking to open up, deepen your connections to your inner guidance or get clear guidance from Angela on spiritual business practices I recommend her as a mentor!

Christine Burke, 2013

Artist, Teacher & Author, Christine’s Art World, Pennsylvania, USA

My initial goal when I began working with Angela was to get in deeper touch with my Intuition. While some of the details of the goals shifted throughout our journey together, I’ve begun to experience growth in unexpected ways. The process of working within Angela’s Conscious Psychic Program has led me to approach and inspire my clients within my practice, in new ways and in deeply shifted ways. The process of working together has opened me up to powerful ways to be a resource to my clients and their growth, that I could not have anticipated on day one of this program. I strongly recommend Angela’s programs and when you do, be open to your goals changing and shifting in magical ways along the journey!!

Kristin Sellers, 2014

LCSW, Pennsylvania, USA

I have known Angela Since 2013 as a recipient of intuitive readings and for the past two years as a student of the Conscious Psychic Program. As an intuitive reader, she is extremely accurate and delivers her messages with an empathic style. Having been enamored by what she has provided me in messages over the years, I decided that I wanted to harness my own intuition to enhance my abilities as a forensic psychologist. I enrolled in the Conscious Psychic Program in 2019, and for the past two years I have experienced tremendous growth under Angela’s mentorship and while developing with other program members. At first, I didn’t trust what I felt, heard, saw and experienced by way of intuitive “hits”, but over time I learned to trust these messages and as a result I have flourished in my job performance.

Angela is very accessible, non-judgmental, and meets you where you are, which was something I always sought in a mentor but never had. I am truly grateful for everything I have learned in this program, and I hope that if you have been guided to read my review then you too explore this unique and fulfilling opportunity. The past two years have been life changing for me.

M.M., April, 2021

Forensic Psychologist

Working with Angela in the CPP container has amplified my intuitive gifts and channeling abilities. I needed a mentor to help me embrace and fine-tune my intuitive nature as well as work with me to release inner blocks and challenges that were stopping me from fully stepping into my power and gifts.

Before working with Angela I was channeling on my own, mostly through intuitive writing and in private sessions and never fully embraced this ability, especially publicly. Through our 1:1 coaching sessions and lots of inner work and healing, I am able to fully embrace my channeling and use it as a gift of service for others. I have had the courage and confidence to claim myself as an intuitive channel and now run monthly circles where I channel sacred feminine guides, including Mary Magdalene.

The CPP group circles are highly-engaging and such a wonderful, welcoming place to practice and refine your intuitive and psychic skills. I felt comfortable and at ease both in our 1:1 sessions as well as in circle with other participants. It is a community as well as a space to fine-tune your psychic skills. Angela is a depth of knowledge and I am forever grateful for her guidance and mentorship.

Gretchen Sechrist Kehan, April, 2021

Founder, Daughters Rising

I have worked with Angela for over two years, first as a client for readings and healings, and then as a student in her Conscious Psychic Program. She has been immeasurably helpful with my healing and awakening process. She thinks and works quickly, while still being grounded, methodical and thoughtful. She cares deeply about her work with students and clients, and is a great example of someone who walks the walk. As a PhD-level psychologist, I have provided and received healing through traditional talk therapy for decades. The growth I’ve experienced with Angela far surpasses that work, and is breaking patterns and barriers that I knew were there, but couldn’t quite wrap my mind around and describe in words. I am deeply grateful for the path that led me to Angela, and for the layers of awareness and healing that she has compassionately and expertly guided me through!

A.C., 2019

PhD Psychologist, LALO

Angela is an amazing mentor and human being. Throughout my time as a student in her Conscious Psychic Program, I often referred to Angela as a “psychic therapist.” Not only does Angela equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to recognize and develop your own intuition, but she does so with warmth, kindness, and an incredible listening ear. In the Conscious Psychic Program, you will learn to understand and develop your intuitive abilities, apply them in your everyday world, and grow as a person.

K.A., 2019

My original intent for joining the Conscious Psychic Program was to further develop the practice of reading Tarot Cards. At the time of enrollment, my psychic skillset was very minimal (apart from using Tarot as a tool) but shortly after joining, I began to see colors in my mind’s eye during classes. At that point, Angela helped me to establish my own personal chart to help identify what the cards could mean based on my level of intuitive knowingness. As I continued to use my Tarot Cards during class, it was really fun to see how the cards aligned with many of the psychic messages that other students were delivering. Those types of confirmations truly helped to build my confidence as far as knowing the accuracy of the cards that I was pulling. Over time, I started seeing visions during class sessions and many times, I would see or think of a specific Tarot Card before I actually drew it. I also started learning which planets were associated with each Tarot Card, which I was then able to match up with different Astrological events and transits that were occurring. In those instances, it helped to give a reference of “timeframes”, which again, I was able to confirm because they matched other psychic messages that were being delivered. I wouldn’t say that I was a complete skeptic before joining but I am a person that likes to have “proof” to believe something, and it was mind blowing at times to see the synchronicities between the Tarot Cards, Astrology, and Intuitive messages/visions!  

The classes & development circles were truly a highlight to my day and I looked forward to every one. Being with like-minded individuals in a sacred space allowed for optimal growth and a safe place to connect. I had been a client of Angela’s for 10 years prior to joining the program and had always been amazed at the accuracy of her Psychic Readings and after 2 years of working with her to develop my own skills, my appreciation for her goes beyond words. I can honestly say that this was the best investment I have ever made for my own personal growth, not only for the expansion with reading Tarot Cards but the additional skills learned have been extremely helpful in my day-to-day life.

Kacey, 2024

Before I enrolled in the CPP I did listen to my intuition.  I didn’t feel that I had as much of an understanding of it — in that if I misunderstood it or misread a situation I would not be very kind with myself. My relationship with my intuition was not very empowered, said another way. Moving through the CPP with Angela’s guidance and the group reading environment in the development circles, I began to learn how to trust my intuition in a way that left me feeling extremely empowered.  As a CEO of a booming business, decisions have become more effortless and clear as I move through so many of them each week!

I highly recommend this program for anyone interested in sharpening their connection to their soul and their higher self!

JS, 2023

CEO of your Color Guru

Participating in the Conscious Psychic Program for 18 months was a very illuminating experience for me.  As a trained therapist I hadn’t realized how much my intuition weaved in and through my therapy sessions.  As I expanded within the CPP, I was able to realize connections with spirit guides.  I was very affirmed in how much my intuition and psychic skills HAD been working all along — and with the tools that Angela and the CPP offered I now know how to work with them on command, at my discretion, on my terms.  I also grew comfortable with learning to discern dead ones from spirit guides, higher vibrational and loving energies from denser and harsher energies, etc.  I learned so much and I look forward to going back for more in the near future!

Anonymous, 2024

LCSW, Philadelphia

Ready to begin the process??

apply today.
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